Therapy Services

Telehealth and in-person services are available to those residing in Minnesota.

Therapy for children & adolescents

As a mental health professional, one of my greatest joys is seeing children get back more of their childhood. The challenges kids experience with OCD and related disorders can often interfere with the best parts of childhood. For many children, therapy can help. My services specialize in treating children with OCD and OCD-related disorders, phobias, anxiety disorders, and Tic disorders. My approaches include the use of a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy called Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) for OCD or related disorders, the Comprehensive Behavioral Treatment for Tic Disorders (CBIT), and Comprehensive Behavioral Treatment (ComB) for hair pulling and skin picking disorders. These are all therapy methods in which I have received intensive training.

Therapy for Adults with OCD 

I provide therapy for adults with OCD and related disorders. The therapy methods for treating OCD and related disorders are the same for children and adults with some adaptions made for children. Therapy provided includes CBT with ERP, CBIT, and the ComB model.

I have a special interest in working with Christians with Religious OCD and scrupulosity. In additional to providing standard OCD treatment, I also give the option of incorporating Christian Counseling into therapy.  As a Christian, I understand how important and personal a person’s faith can be. There are aspects of being a person of faith with OCD that can be unique and make the treatment unique. 

Consultation for Parents of children with oCD

I provide consultations and services to parents who want to find more ways to support their children with OCD. It is difficult for parents to know how to help their children in dealing with OCD. People often say, “there is no manual for how to raise your children.” Well, if that’s true, then how much more when OCD gets thrown into the picture. It is normal to get caught up in your child’s OCD symptoms. Many parents start making special accommodations to decrease their children’s anxiety. What sometimes starts off as small adjustments grows to the point where it becomes unmanageable. Once the family has become involved in the rituals and compulsions, knowing how to disentangle from the compulsions can be tricky. I teach parents how to provide support to their children, promote family connections, and decrease involvement in rituals and compulsions.

Christian based Therapy

A person’s faith can be so important in their life that including it in therapy is a must for them. As a Christian, I love being able to provide spiritual care for those that want this included in their therapy. In Christian counseling we explore how our interpretations about life events, our views of God, scripture, grace, and life’s meaning can influence our well-being. In Christian Counseling, we will explore how scriptural insights, forgiveness, restoration, the person of Jesus, values, and the gospel can promote healing and trust.